Sunday, September 27

Hey guess WHAT!?

We rearranged my room today! My desk is on the other side, My sofa is on the opposite side of the room, And Stella's shelves are on the other side AND on the inside!!! Yay! I thought i could never rearrange in there, but i can! And I'm gonna try to keep it clean. Also we moved my Harry Potter poster! :D (PICTURES WILL BE UP SOON I PROMISE.) Anywayyyyysss....... We have been doing Masters Academy and its really fun! We have 4 classes a day, each one is and hour long. There are Drama, Art, Music, and History. Its cool. Its from 12:00 to 4:00 on Thursdays. :) My friends Grace, India, Casey, Megan and Ossian are doing it too. So is Daisy. My favorite class is Drama. This week will be our 5th time. And this week in Drama class everybody in our class is gonna dress up! guess i will leave now, I'm just Blabbing. XD BYE!!!


1 comment:

Grandma said...

Wow - I can't wait to see it! Love, Grandma